>>> 首页 >>> 影视剧本
1960 The Apartment
1961 Splendor in the Grass 1962 Divorce, Italian Style
1963 How the West Was Won
1964 Father Goose
1965 Darling
1966 A Man and a Woman
1967 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
1968 The Producers
1974 Chinatown
1975 Dog Day Afternoon
1976 Network
1977 Annie Hall
1978 Coming Home
1979 Breaking Away
1980 Melvin and Howard
1981 Chariots of Fire
1982 Gandhi
2001 Gosford Park
1983 Tender Mercies
1984 Places in the Heart
1985 Witness
1986 Hannah and Her Sisters 1987 Moonstruck
1988 Rain Man
1989 Dead Poets Society
1990 Ghost
1991 Thelma & Louise
1992 The Crying Game
1993 The Piano
1994 Pulp Fiction
1995 The Usual Suspects
1996 Fargo
1997 Good Will Hunting
1998 Shakespeare In Love
1999 American Beauty
2000 Almost Famous