Soldier (1998)
by David Webb Peoples.
More info about this movie on

Black.  Block letters appear on the screen:


1996 - Year Zero

Cut to:

INT. Hospital.

Dozens of cribs are lined up with babies in them.  Soldiers 
walk through and assign numbers an letters to the various 
infants.  A soldier with an automatic rifle stands guard.

Cut to:

INT. "Training Hall"

Block letters read:

Adam Project
Year Five

The infants chosen in the previous scene are now lined up in 
military uniforms in bleachers.  They look on as three 
vicious dogs are forced to attack an equally vicious wild 

Friendly woman's voice O.S.

"A soldier does not speak unless spoken to, by a superior 
"A soldier shows no mercy.  Mercy is weakness, and weakness is 

Voice is blotted out by the sounds of dogs snarling and the 
boar howling.

Friendly woman's voice O.S.

"The forces are his family"
"He is most happy, when following orders"

Focus on boy's name badge.  It reads:


Friendly woman's voice O.S.

"A soldier loves to kill"

The dogs and boar are released into a small glass cage where 
the boys look on as the boar is ripped apart by the dogs.

Cut to:

INT. "School"

The boys are now sitting in a classroom in rows, doing 
exercises designed to test aptitude and dexterity.

Block letters read:

Year Eight

Once again we see Todd, and he is moving quickly through his 
assigned test.  Focus on a notepad where a soldier makes  
notations about Todd.  we see he is Right Handed, Age 8, and 
his Dexterity is Excellent.

Cut to:

EXT. Day

Block letters read:

Year Twelve

The boys are running a long course, with Todd in the lead 
holding the flag.  One scrawny kid lags behind, and for his 
troubles a Hum-vee pulls up, a soldier gets out and shoots 

Cut to:

INT. "Shooting Range"

Block letters read:

Year Sixteen

Todd and the others are in the prone position with heavy 
assault rifles, and life sized dummy targets are rolling back 
and forth down the range.  Some are enemy soldiers, some are 
civilians.  At one point an enemy target stops and a civilian 
woman holding a baby stops in front of it.  Todd cuts her to 
shreds while the others hesitate, and then blows the enemy 
holding a grenade apart as well.

Cut to:

INT. Barracks

Block letters read:

2013 - Year Seventeen
End of Training

The boys, now young men are sitting in rows getting the 
identifying mark of the Soldier, a tattoo of their name, rank 
and unit on their left cheek.  We focus on Todd 0-POS 3465

As the camera pans around Todd's face, we Cut to:

Black screen, block letters read:

Year Thirty-Eight

We fade into the camera resuming it's pan around Todd's face, 
only now he is a much older man.  Battle scars mark his face, 
and he betrays no emotion as we Cut to:

INT. War Zone

Block Letters read:

War Of The Six Cities

Todd and company walk through a fiery combat zone, plugging 
away at the enemy who drop like flies under their heavy 
machine gun fire.  One of Todd's men catches a grenade in his 
chest as he comes through the door.

Cut To:

EXT. Day. Winter

Block letters read:

Moscow Incident

Without losing a step we've gone from the prior scene to 
outside, and Todd and company march ever forward, blasting 
away the bad guys.  And then an enemy soldier grabs a 
civilian woman and uses her as a shield.  Todd, without so 
much as a hesitation, blasts through her and into him, just 
like he was trained to do.

We Cut to:

EXT. Moonscape

Block letters read:

2036 - Year Forty
The Battle Of The Argentine Moons

Again, in step we go from the prior scene to here, where Todd 
and company are now decked out in spacesuits, marching forward 
through enemy fire.  The man in the rear position gets a few 
slugs through his suit and suddenly decompresses.  Todd 
quickly reacts with a deadly barrage of bullets, cutting the 
enemy to pieces.

And we Cut to:

INT. Computer Screen.

Graphic display rattles off Todd's Battle History and stats 
like Confirmed  Kills, Unconfirmed Kills, etc.

Cut to:

INT. Barracks

Block letters read:

Present Status: Between Wars

We focus on Todd's unmoving face as he sits on the edge of his 
bed.  Then the camera moves to the right and we see dozens of 
soldiers sitting likewise behind him, all in the exact same 
position, all statuesque.

Cut to:

INT. Barracks Observation Deck.

Captain Church and Rubrick are upstairs.


Sir? Colonel Mekum has his new batch unpacked, I think he 
wants to show them off.

Cut to:

INT. Barracks.

The "old" soldiers and the "new" soldiers are lined up facing 
each other in the barracks garage. In comes Colonel Mekum 
looking a bit small compared to the Infantry Troops.


Well...they're pretty.

Capt. Church

What do you find so hot about 'em??

Col. Mekum

They're very much improved, Captain


This is Colonel Mekum from HQ, he's our commanding officer

Capt. Church


They exchange a quick salute.

Capt. Church

Improved... How?

Col. Mekum

In every way possible.  You see your old ones here they're 
selected at birth, but my new ones, we're talking 
recombinations.  They're practically manufactured using DNA 
profiles. And, some manipulation. More endurance, quicker 
responses, better hand-eye. Improved technical training.  It's 
a whole different standard.

Capt. Church

My daddy was in maintenance, and he had a saying.  He used to 
say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

Col. Mekum


A beat

I'm afraid I don't get your point...

Capt. Church

The veterans you see standing before you here, have been 
through all kinds of heavy shit, and they've always got the job 
done. Now your new soldiers, these hotshots, how much action 
have they seen? And are they battle tested?

Col. Mekum

How about a few tests, just to get you on board.  Make you a 

Cut to:

INT. Shooting Range

One of the new soldiers has an assault rifle and is shooting 
at a target.  For every slug that hits it's mark a digital 
counter clicks off.

Rubrick, looking on:

99 percent... that's very good

Cut to:

INT. Training Hall

The new soldiers are lifting weights, kicking dummies, looking 
generally mean and showing off.

Col. Mekum

Seen enough, Captain?

Capt. Church

What about endurance?

Cut to:

EXT. Running Course

Todd is running the course at a pretty good pace, sweating but 
obviously not fatigued.

Cut to:

INT. Barracks

Col. Mekum

Caine 607, forward



Col. Mekum

15 miles, 607, on the run.  You've got 60 minutes.  Go!

Caine runs off into the night

Col. Mekum

My man left exactly 20 minutes after yours, make a note of 

Cut to:

EXT.  Running Course

Todd, still running the course at a good pace.  Though behind 
him we see Caine catching up, obviously moving a lot faster and 
not the least bit tired.  He catches up and then races ahead 
of Todd.

Cut to:

INT. Barracks

Col. Mekum

Of course age is a factor, but the real factor is the training 
program. Especially the psychological.  The mind controls the 
body, after all.  And we're doing such wonderful things with 
the mind.

Todd comes running up and stands next to Caine.  He snaps a 
quick salute.




At ease, Soldier.

Capt. Church

What is the price of all that speed? Is your soldier tired?

Col. Mekum


Capt. Church

Todd ran the pace he's been taught to run, and he's still 

Turns to Ruckrick.

Capt. Church

Send him up the chain, Rube


Soldier, up the chain!



Todd snaps a quick salute and scrambles up a fifty foot chain 
with circular platforms every fifteen feet or so.  He gets 
about halfway up.

Col. Mekum

607, on the double, up the chain.



Caine runs up and grabs a chain and starts hoisting himself 
up.  By the time Todd reaches the top Caine is already there.

Capt. Church

What about spirit?

Col. Mekum

I believe you mean AQ/Captive-Aggressive qualities?  Much 
higher, much better.

Capt. Church

What if they fought?

Col. Mekum

You mean up there?

Capt. Church

Go ahead Rube, tell Todd to take him

Col. Mekum


Capt. Church


Col. Mekum

Not fair, no contest.  Send two more of your old ones up.

Captain Church gestures to Rubrick


Romero, Goines, up the chain!

Romero and Goines run over and scramble up the chain.  Todd 
reaches over and grabs another chain so he is standing on two.  
When the other soldiers get to the top they do likewise, and 
circle Caine.


Get him men!

Caine backfists Todd who comes after him first, and knocks him 
back onto his chain, a few feet down.  He spins a delivers a 
boot to the face of the first Soldier and then spins again, 
narrowly missing a jab from the second.  With a couple of 
moves Caine tears loose his grip and with a punch sends him 
flying.  By now Todd has climbed back up but Caine gives him a 
good kick to the back and Todd goes sailing again, nearly 
loosing his purchase.  Caine dodges a drop kick by one soldier 
and spins with his own kick to the face of the first soldier, 
who looses his grip and falls from the chain.  He drops fifty 
feet to the concrete below and smacks with a dull thud, and 
lies still, dead.

Caine once again repels Todd who has gotten back up in place 
with a kick to the face, and Todd goes sliding down the chain.  
The second soldier jumps on Caine from behind and starts to 
pummel him with an elbow. Caine takes the blows seemingly 
without notice and gives the soldier a downward slap to the 
groin, followed by a backfist to the nose.  He falls to 
another chain and with a couple of kicks Caine batters him 
badly.  It's too much for him, and he drops.  On the way down, 
screaming like a little girl, his foot catches a circular 
platform and his body is nearly ripped in two.  Ouch!

Now Todd has climbed higher than Caine and drops on him from 
behind, putting him in a semi sleeper hold. Reacting, Caine 
bites his forearm hard.  But not to be daunted, Todd hangs on 
and reaches around his head, and with a face rake plucks out 
Caine's right eye.  Caine screams madly and elbows Todd in the 
ribs, and he slides down to his hips.  He gives Caine a couple 
of good whacks the groin, but Caine counters with three fast 
elbows to his face, and Todd falls.  He hits the first soldier 
with a thud and it's lights out.  One of the old soldiers 
glances over at him worried, but retains his cool.

A beat.

Col. Mekum

Get down here! Get down here!  Get your ass down here on the 
double! Down the wall, down down down!!

Caine scrambles down the chains.



Col. Mekum

Look at you!

We cut to Caine's face.  It's a bloody mess.

Col. Mekum

Do you know how much it costs to breed you, you big moron?  To 
train you.  To feed you!

Colonel Mekum turns and walks the line of soldiers.

Col. Mekum

What good is this man now?  He's got no depth perception! All 
he can do is walk point, and take the first hit!


What about the bodies? (Meaning Todd and the others)

Col. Mekum

Waste Disposal!

Col. Mekum returns to Caine

Col. Mekum

Fall in.



Capt. Church

Todd was our best man

Col. Mekum

You still don't get it do you, Captain?

He draws a silver .45 revolver and puts a slug through the 
forehead of an already very dead soldier who is still hanging 
on one of the chains by his foot.

Col. Mekum

You men are obsolete! 

A beat.

Col. Mekum

 You'll write this up as a training accident, and we'll make 
sure these bodies are dumped a long way from here.  We don't 
want any unnecessary questions.

We focus on Todd's staring, open eye and fade to black.

Cut to:

EXT. Space

A cargo ship slowly comes across the screen and approaches a 

Block letters read:

P376 Waste Disposal Ship

Cut to:

INT. Ship's Cargo Bay

Todd is laying in a heap of garbage and a couple of dead 
soldiers.  He comes to and sits up.  As he looks around a 
kelghorn and a flashing warning light come on as the ship 
prepares to dump it's garbage.  Todd tries to hang on as the 
bomb doors open up but it's no use  He drops out with the rest 
of the unbiodegradeable waste and falls onto the trash heap as 

Cut to:

EXT. Day

There are waste piles a thousand feet high. 

Block letters read:

Arcadia 234 Waste Disposal Planet

Todd is now standing on the top of this mountain of trash as 
he watches the cargo ship close up it's bomb doors and fly 
off.  He looks more than a little bit dejected, and quite 
battered. He looks down and sees some figures on the ground 
below, so he sets off to follow them.

Todd climbs off the trash mountain and looks around.  What a 
dump.  He hears a strange whistling sound and sees a giant 
wind storm bearing straight down on him.  In the nick of time 
he manages to grab a railing and hang on as the 100+ mile and 
hour winds batter him even more than he already is.  As 
quickly as it started, the wind storm lets up.  Todd continues 
searching for the figures.

Cut to:

EXT. Waste Disposal Planet

Todd is following a narrow foot path through what is obviously 
a man made cemetery.  Hunks of iron are welded together to 
form crude crosses, which dot the area here and there. We 
follow Todd as he pulls himself along a railing, and into a 
compound made up of junked aircraft bodies, scrap sheet metal 
and almost every other kind of industrial wreckage you can 
imagine.  The whole scene gives you the sense of a refugee 

Cut to:

INT. Camp. Day.

Todd sees the figures closely now, and follows them through 
the camp at a distance. He climbs atop an overhanging cliff to 
get a better view.  Two men come through a set of heavy iron 
doors as Todd ducks down to get out of sight.  Just then 
another heavy windstorm whips up and knocks Todd from his 
perch directly into the compound below.  He lands hard on a 
set of stone stairs.  As he regains some composure, a few 
figures have come up to him, curious.  Todd manages to life 
his head a bit and see they are children.  Now he's seen 
everything. Todd's head drops back down into the sand and once 
again it's lights out.

Cut to:

INT. Camp. Night.

Someone is ringing the alarm bell and figures are running to 
and fro, carrying crude torches made of what else, scrap 
metal.  We follow a couple of children through some heavy iron 
doors and we see there is a meeting of the refugees in the 
main hall.  Confused hub-bub ensues among the villagers.


Hawkins, Hawkins... give us something, anything!


Quiet! Please, Quiet!


How many of them are there?


There is one man. Unarmed.

Black Woman

How could there only be one?  How could he get here??


Well, he was unconscious when we found him. We didn't ask him 


Hang on, Jimmy is back!

Jimmy Pig

There's nothing out there.  I couldn't see nobody. Couldn't 
see no vehicles, no ship, nothing. Plus, the wind is up again 
real strong.


Everybody calm down! We have an injured man among us.  We all 
want  to do the decent thing,  the decent this is to help him. 
Sandra, Mace's wife, is looking after him now. Now I'd like a 
vote of support from all of you.


Well you keep an eye on him Mace, you watch him!

Cut to:

INT. Mace and Sandra's Bedroom.

Todd is sprawled out on the bed, covered by some red sheets. 
Sandra, wearing her best "come hither" refugee rags comes in 
holding a little jar of some unidentifiable liquid.  She reads 
some letters that have been tattooed on Todd's arm.  All the 
campaigns and wars he's been in up to date. Though Todd is 
thoroughly zonked out, he can't resist coming to when this 
fine piece of tail hovers above him.  Sandra tries to spoon 
feed him some brown stuff but like a little baby Todd shakes 
his head and refuses to open the hangar door.   Insistent, 
Sandra puts the spoon to his lips and he guzzles it down in 
true soldier fashion. Ahh, refreshing.

Cut to:

INT. Mace and Sandra's Place.  Living Room, which is quite 
palatial for a refugee camp.


There are words on his shoulder (points to shoulder as if Mace 
doesn't know where that might be). Tannhauser Gate.  Argentine 
Sector. Shanghai 2012.


Sandra, the Tannhauser Gate was a battle.  He's a soldier. 

Cut to:

INT. Mace and Sandra's place.  Bedroom.

Little Nathan, Mace's son, comes wandering in and Todd and he 
share a little glance. Neither of them say jack-squat 
throughout the movie, making them the perfect match.

Cut to:

INT.  Living Room


It's Nathan...

A beat.



Nathan hears Mace calling and wanders off.  Todd watches him 
go and once again it's lights out.

Fade to Black.

Cut to:

INT. Mace and Sandra's Place.  Bedroom

Todd comes to with a start.  He hears some voices and loud 
noises coming from the other room.  What on earth could that 

Cut to:

INT. Mace and Sandra's Place. Living Room.

Mace, Sandra and Nathan are rolling around on the floor 


It's a tiger! (Blows a raspberry on Nathan's tummy) Grrrr! 

Todd comes walking in and sidles up to the door frame, 
watching the others play.  They stop, conscious now of the 
noise they were making, and look up.  Todd is a menacing sight 
even in his bruised state.


We're uh, sorry if we woke you. Just playing... just playing 
with the boy. 

Todd, his usual chatty self, stares back silently, not sure 
what to make of these weirdo’s.


I made something for you.

He reaches behind him and grabs a metal pole with a little 
handle on the end.  Todd immediately suspects the worse, that 
Mace is about to try and brain him with the nasty looking 


It's... it's to help you walk, you see (mimics a limp and 
demonstrates the thing as a crutch) Isn't it?  Like this...

Todd just stares.

We cut to:

EXT. Surface of the Planet.  In the garbage dump.

Cut to:

INT.  Mess Hall.

Everyone is gathered around eating. Todd is wolfing down his 
chow like an animal, getting some glances from the others who 
have never seen a soldier chow down before.   Mace scrapes 
what's left of his portion onto Todd's plate, drawing more 
glances.  Slade gets up and walks over.


I don't see how you could not remember how you got here, 
Sergeant! You're not a deserter, are you Sergeant?

Todd stands up quick, at attention.


No sir


Then how come you're not with your unit?


Oh come Slade would you let the man eat?


It's not an unreasonable question!

Apparently it isn't , as everyone hushes up and looks at Todd, 
including Mace.


How about it Sergeant?


I was... replaced.




By a better soldier, sir.

Cut to:

INT. Mace and Sandra's Place.  Bedroom.

Sandra is hanging up some sheets, with Todd looking on.  Mace 
is nowhere to be found, obviously off doing some important 
refugee work while this psychotic soldier stays at home and 
ogles his wife.  


When we left Earth twelve years ago, we certainly never 
thought we'd end up here. When we crashed, a lot of people 
died. A few years later when dumpers starting coming over and 
dumping stuff, we tried to get their attention with fires, and 
explosions. They must be unmanned, or maybe they just don't 
care. So we had to forget about a better life on the Trinity 
Moons.  One good thing though, nobody bothers us.  Who would 
want to fight for a god-forsaken place like this?

Todd, not quite interested in a history lesson, catches a wee 
look-see at Sandra's (braless) bosom. Yummy.  Sandra sees what 
he's up to but after forty years of battle Todd is not quite 
as suave as some his age might be, and just keeps staring.  
She gets a little nervous... and a little, excited, perhaps?  


But...I, I guess you like the fighting. You must, your... a 

Todd, becoming quite the fountain of conversation, says 
nothing and just stares.

Cut to:

INT. Spaceship.  Map Room.

Col. Mekum

The biannual security sweep.  We'll be patrolling the Arcadia 
system. We're going to set up unmanned monitoring stations 
here, here here... here.  (Pointing to spots on a map) Now, 
we'll send the new soldiers out on patrol... routine stuff as 
you say Captain. But, good experience, and I'll have a chance 
to see them in a non-training environment.

Capt. Church

You're coming?

Col. Mekum

Yes, Captain.  I want to observe these men at close hand.

Capt. Church

Well what about opposition?

Col. Mekum

Well it's all deserted, we're just confirming that.

Capt. Church

But say we do encounter activity.  Miners, refugees of some 

Col. Mekum

Well we won't.  But if we do then they'll be officially 
classifiable as hostiles.

Capt. Church

Just by being there...

Col. Mekum

We don't want paperwork, Captain, and we certainly don't want 
passengers. Understood?

Cut to:

EXT. Arcadia 234. Surface. Day

The villagers are out farming what little land is productive, 
underneath a protective bio-dome. Sporadic vegetation grows 
here and there.  Todd and Sandra work together planting little 
tubers of some sort. as Sandra demonstrates the trade, she 
spies a slithering green snake, and whacks it's head off with 
a hatchet.


You have to watch out for those.  They probably wouldn't kill 
someone your size, but someone smaller... like me or... or 
Nathan. He was bitten once, and he almost died.  He was sick 
for a long time.  That's why he can't speak. Here... you try 
one (handing Todd a tuber) Here...

Todd looks at this little green thing dubiously.  What is it, 
a weapon of some sort?  He grabs it and sticks it in the 
ground like Sandra had shown him.  With a fumble he manages to 
bury the thing half up to it's leaves.  Sandra look up at him 
with a big grin.

Cut to:

EXT. Day.  Garbage Heap.


Everything we own Sergeant, everything in the entire village we 
have to salvage around here.

He hooks a chain around Jimmy Pig's waist, and pats his 


You're all set Jimmy.


Back in a minute!


So whatever looks useful, if we can get a chain to it, we're 
going to go for it. Now you hear that? (Referring to the 
howling wind)  That means she's really close! Jimmy, she's 
gonna blow!


On my way!


Look alive Sergeant!

On the way back, Jimmy manages to get his coat stuck on a 
piece of metal, and it takes a moment for him to untangle 


Come on Jimmy! Jimmy come on. Jimmy!

The wind is really picking up now, and in the background we 
see an old farming combine that begins to spin with the force 
of the wind, like a weathervane.  Jimmy has no footing and the 
wind is starting to push him to his knees as he tries to make 
it back to the rail.


Hurry up, let's go!

Jimmy falls, and the wind really begins to roar. Mace jumps 
across the rail and reaches out for him, but the chain that 
anchors him to the rail is too short, and he can't reach.


Jimmy, give me your hand!


Too strong!


Please Jimmy...

The wind is pounding everyone now, and the combine is spinning 
a hundred miles and hour like a great big veg-o-matic.  Jimmy 
begins to get lifted into the air and sucked towards the 
combine.  He manages to catch a thin line thrown to him but 
the force of the wind is taking him back.  Three of the 
villagers try to haul him in like a fish but they're fighting 
against a maelstrom.  It's too strong, and Jimmy draws ever 
closer to the spinning blades.  Todd steps in at the nick of 
time and grabs the line, hauling Jimmy back.  He's got ten 
times the might that three of the villager's have and it's no 
big deal to him.  With Jimmy safely secured, the winds let up 
and the combine blades slowly come to a stop.


Oh God...


You were almost bacon on that one Jimmy!

Todd has already forgotten the situation and has spied a rifle 
hanging from a piece of equipment.  The ever vigilant warrior 
walks up and grabs the rifle, checking it thoroughly.  The 
villagers see this and become uneasy. Mace goes to him trying 
to get a handle on the situation.


Thank you (grabs for the rifle, but Todd doesn't give it up)

A beat

They both look up and see a cargo ship looming on the horizon, 
dumping trash on top of already enormous mountains of trash.


They're dumpers... they come every 20 or 30 days. Sergeant the 
gun... please?

Todd, obeying orders, hands the rifle over to Mace, and the 
villagers relax and let out some hushed cheers.


Whoo!  Thanks partner!

Todd stares back impassively, as if nothing has happened at 


Well, uh... (thrown a bit) those other no-goods would have let 
me blow away!

Cut to:

Scene of dumpers dumping piles of trash on the planet.

Scene of villagers hobbling back to the compound after a hard 
day's work, Mace leading the way.

Flashback of Todd looking at Sandra in the garden.

Scene of Mace smiling and looking jovial.

Scene of Todd watching the villagers scamper along the planet, 
through the trash dump, playing the part of refugees very 

Scene of Todd and Sandra in the kitchen.

Scene of Mace kissing Sandra.

Scene of Todd looking at Sandra as a beautiful woman.

Scene of Sandra washing clot hers, her blouse open nearly 
revealing her left breast.

Scene of Mace wearing a look of concern and pride.

Cut to:

INT. Mace and Sandra's place.  Kitchen.

Todd is chopping carrots, Nathan is playing with a toy off in 
the corner.  Sandra is just sort of generally doting around.  
Oh, what a peaceful looking family.  Todd watches Sandra go 
and play with Nathan, and as he is distracted he managed to 
hack into his finger with the knife.  He glances down and sees 
the blood, but thinks nothing of it, and continues slicing 
away, getting blood all over the carrots.  Yum.

Sandra gets up and goes to see about Todd's wound.  She tries 
to help him by wrapping it with a towel but suddenly Todd 
regresses to the emotional level of, oh say, a toddler, and 
pulls away.  With genuine concern, she manages to wrap the 
finger up anyway.  Oh, he' such a big softie.


Sergeant Todd...what's it like?  What's it like being a 
soldier? What do you think about?

Todd, again the wellspring of talkativeness, just grunts.


You must think about something. 

Just an inaudible grunt.  Nobody has ever asked him a question 
before, and he's not sure how to respond with something other 
than Yes sir, No sir.


What about feelings then. You must feel something....?

It's like talking to a brick wall.  If Todd feels something he 
sure as heck isn't letting on.  She gives up.  As she is 
turning to go, suddenly the impossible happens. Todd joins the 






Fear, and discipline.

Sandra mulls this over for a moment.






Oh my god...

Moved by this gusher of language skills, Sandra goes to hug 
Todd.  Todd, having never been in situation with a woman where 
he had to do more than kill her, gets weak kneed and begins to 
shake like a leaf.  Sandra backs away, unnerved. 

Cut to:

INT. Compound. Night.  

The villagers are sitting around dancing and being merry, on 
what appears to be a Christmas celebration.  Jimmy Pig is 
dressed up like Santa and Sgt. Todd is sitting in the middle 
of the dance floor with a plate of sandwiches in his lap.  He 
looks longingly at Mace, Sandra, and Nathan, and Mace and 
Sandra look back with one part pity, one part friendship.  
Todd however, decides that now is a good time to start 
regressing back to the level of a three year old and gets 
spooked by the flailing bodies and loud noises.  He flashes 
back to some scenes of his youth, and he's gone like a flash.  
We see him in the next scene peering down through the sky 
lights at the party, unable to join.  

Cut to:

Todd sitting alone in the night, cross legged and in silent 
meditation.  This is more his speed.

Cut to:

EXT. Compound. Day.


I was going to give this scarf to him last night, but he just 


It's beautiful Jimmy, he'll love it. 


Well he saved my life out there, I guess Mace told you.


You should give it to him yourself. He's in the meeting room.  
He's doing exercises.

Cut to:

INT. Day. Meeting Room.

Todd is going at it with a piece of discarded equipment, which 
he has hung up by chains and is using like a heavy bag.  Every 
thunderous whack he delivers echoes in the compound.  He's 
hitting it over and over, left right combinations that make 
your ears ring.  The village children are watching him with 
awe and fear of this savage giant.  Hawkins comes up and sees 
what's going on.


Children?  You're supposed to be doing your lessons (motions 
for them to leave)

Hawkins also turns to go but can't help looking over at her 
shoulder as Todd continues to pound away at the heavy piece of 
equipment..  If he could do that to a steel drum then imagine 
what he could do to one of them.  His fists are covered in 
cloth but he's striking it so hard that the cloth is being 
torn to shreds.

Todd begins to flashback.  Every punch he delivers becomes an 
explosion in his mind.  Enemies come out with assault rifles 
and cut the villagers down.  Todd returns fire and slays them, 
and more explosions ring out.  We fade between a battle scene 
in his head to Todd hitting the drum, and back and forth.  
He's going totally berserk now, losing grips with reality.

Someone comes out of the doorway in the combat zone and rushes 
Todd.  Or is it in reality?  Can't be sure, so better safe 
then sorry, Todd grabs the figure and swings him about, 
slamming him down on the ground.

Now we cut back to reality, and it's Jimmy Pig lying on the 
ground with Todd choking him.  He is pinned next to a moving 
wheel and any moment he is going to be crushed by it.  He 
tries to get up but Todd is still lost in the fantasy.  Only 
at the last second does he come to, and see what's about to 
happen.  He lifts Jimmy up in the nick of time and throws him 
clear.  Jimmy just pants on the floor, holding up the scarf he 
had meant to give him.  The villagers eyeball him nervously. 

Todd looks enraged, but also sorry.

Cut to:

INT. Day.  Mace and Sandra's Place.  Bedroom

Mace and Sandra are laying in bed.


There's going to be a meeting.


He's not fully recovered.


That's what scares people. He gets stronger every day. 


Are you scared of him Mace?


Yes.  I've never been afraid of anyone before like this. I 
have this feeling he could break me in half with no real 
effort, and no real... feeling.

Cut to:

INT. Day. Meeting Hall.

Todd is still plugging away at the metal drum.  His hands are 
a bloody wreck but he doesn't seem to mind.  He just keeps 
whacking away at it pathetically.  Every punch smatters the 
drum with bloody and sweat, and his punches grow weaker and 
weaker, after what could only be hours of heavy workout.  But 
still he persists.

We flashback to Todd as a youth, in the military academy.  
He's pummeling another boy with a crazed frenzy. The others 
cadets and soldier/scientist types watch on.  Even though he's 
got the upper hand and has the boy pinned on the ground he keep 
raining the punches down until the boy's face is chop meat. 
Then he calmly gets up and goes to sit at the table.

Friendly woman's voice O.S.

"He is most happy when following orders"

"A soldier shows no mercy.  Mercy is weakness, and weakness is 

"A soldier needs no friend or family. War is his friend.  The 
forces are his family"

Cut to:

INT. Day. Mace and Sandra's Place.  Bedroom.

Todd's face as he wakes up from the nightmare.  Nathan is at 
the foot of the bed, playing with a metal locking toy, which 
he slides open, shows Todd, and puts on the bed.  Nathan turns 
to go, but stops short when he sees a vicious snake in the 
hall.  Todd throws him a boot and mimes the actions "hit it" 
by hitting a boot on the bed.  Nathan is frozen, and the snake 
lunges.  Todd is quicker, and he grabs the snake before it 
bites him.  Still trying to impart the lesson, he throws the 
snake back down again and motions for Nathan to kill it.  Mace 
walks in and hits the snake with a sharpened pole, killing it.


Todd, what the hell do you think you're doing?? It could have 
killed him!

Cut to:

INT. Day. Meeting Hall.

The villagers are angry at Todd's recent behavior, and now 
it's time to kick him out.


No one here has any animosity towards you, Sergeant. None of us 
here is your enemy. Furthermore, we respect your qualities. We 
have no doubt that you are a very, very good soldier. But 
because of your training we don't think you'll ever be able to 
function in a group like this.  A community of families, of 
children.  Where the ability to fight is not the sole purpose 
of existence. Your different from us, Sergeant.  We don't hate 
you for that, but we've agreed that to try and include you 
would pose an intolerable risk to the community itself. 


We'll give you any tools you need. Some warm clothing, some 
boots, a good knife.

  A beat.


Sergeant, you're our friend.  It's just...that...

Cut to:

INT. Day. Compound

Todd is geared up to go.  The whole village has come to see 
him off.


If you need us, you can ask us for help.

Cut to:

EXT. Compound. Day

Todd is being escorted off by the armed villagers.  He turns 
once more and then sets off to whatever there may be waiting 
for him.

Cut to:

EXT. Day.  Somewhere.

Todd is sitting alone in a pipe, a little fire beside him.  
He's staring off into space and we focus on his face.  He 
looks haggard, and a single tear rolls down his cheek.  He 
touches it and looks puzzled.  What is this salty discharge??  
Oh god... I care!

Fade to:

EXT. Space.  A shot of Arcadia 234 from a distance. A space 
ship rolls across the screen.

Voice O.S.

Command we are on course for Arcadia 2-3-4.

Cut to:

INT. Day.  Mace and Sandra's Place.  Bedroom.

Mace and Sandra lay peacefully in bed, dreaming about their 
lives on this garbage heap of a planet, no doubt.  The sun 
shines through a plate glass sky light, and everything seems 
serene.  But then a vicious snake come slithering into bed 
with them.  (Hmm, Freud, you listening?)  It's getting ready 
to strike Mace right in the face when Nathan comes in and 
grabs it, and smashes it to death with a boot, just like he 
was trained.  The irony of the situation hits them like a ton 
of worthless scrap metal and we...

Cut to:

INT. Day. Mace and Sandra's Place.


How will you find him?


He'll stay close to the wire.


What do I tell the council?  We all voted.


We voted wrong!

Cut to:

EXT. Day. Cemetery

Mace is running out of the village to look for his good friend 
the ruthless soldier.

Cut to:

EXT. Day. Somewhere

Mace is still running around looking for Todd.  

He comes over the crest of the hill and sees Todd sitting 
there in a stand pipe.  Todd looks back at Mace.


Todd! Todd...  We were wrong. We made a mistake. We're sorry.

Just at that point Todd and Mace look up to see the spaceship 
we saw earlier lumber into sight.  It flies across the screen 
blotting out the sun and lands a short distance away.  Todd 
comes down out of his pipe and joins Mace. 


Some kind of landing party!  Hey, over here!

Todd reacts and grabs Mace's arm, which he was waving to get 
the ship's attention.  Todd knows better than to announce his 
position to what is obviously a military landing craft. 


Stay with me, sir.

They go running off, and we cut to a shot of the spaceship.  
It's lowering a large platform from it's hull, on it sit two 
giant crawler vehicles that we saw earlier in the Barracks 
garage.  These huge tanks come rolling out and start out 
across the surface, with several foot soldiers walking behind.

O.S. Col. Mekum

All units stand by for Arcadia 234 security sweep. Any 
trespassers will be considered hostile.

Todd and Mace are running wildly trying to make distance 
between them and the tanks.

Cut to:

EXT. Compound


Wait, what's going on?


Somebody is landing, Jimmy Pig spotted a ship.

Todd and Mace are still trying to gain ground, but the tanks 
have closed in on them.

Cut to:

INT. Crawler.

Caine 607 sees the figures running and prepares a mortar.  

Voice O.S.

Two hostiles at 12 o'clock.

Caine fires a couple more times and Mace conveniently wanders 
into crossfire, getting his right leg blown off at the knee.  
Ouch, that's got to sting.  Todd grabs him and drags him into 
the relative safety of the complete out in the openness.

Cut to: 

INT. Crawler

Voice O.S.

Hostiles eliminated.

Todd attempts a makeshift field dressing for Mace's damaged 
leg, and applies a tourniquet.  The tanks lumber off towards 
the village.


It's no good, I've lost too much blood. 

A beat.


Why? It was a mistake. 

Todd shakes his head no.  


Oh...oh God no.  Not Sandra...  please... not Nathan...please.

Mace dies.

Cut to:

INT. Ship


People, they've spotted people! Two civilians, unarmed. They 
killed both of them. They spotted smoke from some sort of 


Oh Jesus Christ, a camp?

Col. Mekum

Excellent, this will be very good experience for the men.  
Let's see how they do.

Capt. Church

If they're civilians they need to be protected.

Col. Mekum

Whoever they are, they don't belong there. Officially they're 

Cut to:

EXT. Planet Surface.

Caine O.S.

Three man fire team only. Prepare to deploy.

Cut to:

INT. Compound


Everybody Calm down!  Calm down.  I'm going to go out and talk 
to them.  Those of you with weapons prepare to defend us.

Cut to:

EXT. Compound

Hawkins comes outside and gets a look at the crawler, not far 
off, motionless.

Cut to:

INT. Crawler

Caine arms a mortar battery.

Cut to:

EXT. Compound

Hawkins stands fast with her arms crossed.  One of the turrets 
on the crawler swings about.


God help us...

Cut to:

INT. Crawler

Close up of Caine's firing hand.  He squeezes the trigger.

Cut to:

EXT. Compound

The mortar catches Hawkins right in the chest and knocks her 
clear back into the compound, detonating mid-air in a fiery 
blast.  The villagers return fire but it's useless.  Caine 
fires again and another mortar hits the edge of the 
embankment, knocking people to and fro, screaming.


Three man fire team in position

Caine O.S.

Crawler to fire team... engage.

Cut to:

INT. Ship.


Reports from Crawler 1, everything under control

Capt. Church

Is there resistance?


Ineffectual.  Three men are going in to clean 'em out, Caine 
has ordered the rest to hold back.

Capt. Church

Sounds reckless, three against fifty.  I can tell these men 
have no combat experience.  The old ones, the veterans, they 
would have called for support.  Just in case.


Speaking of the old ones, why don't we have Riley and his crew 
start putting up the monitoring unit.

Cut to:

INT. Ship








Will we be issued weapons, sir?


No Riley, only soldiers get weapons


Yes sir

Riley snaps a quick salute.


You don't even have to salute anymore Riley...

Riley looks pissed off and ready to tear this little tart a 
few new holes.

Cut to:

INT. Compound

Soldiers tear ass through the compound cutting down villagers 
left and right with machine gun, with flame thrower, with 
grenades.  Just generally having a good old time.  Just as one 
is getting poised to toast a fleeing villager Todd comes 
crashing through a sky light and lands on him.  With one deft 
move he slashes his throat.  

Todd is gathering weapons and checking the ammo.  He's got a 
modified Uzi and some other neat stuff collected from the dead 
soldier.  Slade walks in with his crappy little rifle.


You need any help, partner?

Todd turns around and throws Slade a baleful look.  It says, 
beat it ya little fag.



Cut to:

EXT. Ship.

Voice O.S.

Riley, Team deploying monitoring unit.

Rily and team deploy the monitoring unit.

Cut to:

INT. Compound.

Sandra and some others are fleeing a chasing soldier.  He's 
got him a little flamer thrower and he's chasing the children 
around trying to turn them into ashes.  Ahh, it's good to be 
the king.


Quick, up the stairs!

Sandra narrowly avoids getting that cute little ass burned off 
as she scrambles up the stairs.


Go, go, get inside the bedroom!  (As if being in the bedroom 
will make them fireproof perhaps)

The soldier comes up the stairs and rounds the corner.  He 
sees Sandra, he sees some children.  Goody, some people to 
burn.  Then he comes fully into view and it's Todd standing 
there with a grenade launcher.  He fires it into the soldier 
and he's knocked clear out the bedroom window out into the 
courtyard, where he explodes in a brilliant flash.

The when all seemed okay, another soldier comes around the 
corner with a modified 50 caliber gattling gun.  This little 
puppy fires off 40,000 rounds a minute, and makes one hell of 
a racket.  He begins tearing Mace and Sandra's place to little 
bitty pieces parts with the gun.  After a few moments he's 
used up all his ammo and tries to reload, but the belt is 
stuck.  Todd comes back into view and fires off another 
grenade, hitting an overhead propeller blade which comes 
crashing down on the gunner.  Neat.

Caine O.S.

Come in Unit 703. Unit 703, do you copy?

Todd grabs the mic off the dead soldier and in a moment of 
sheer genius, actually makes being a mute bastard seem to be 
the perfect thing.  He simply growls into the mic like a 
raving lunatic, or a hungry lion,  Either way it's effect is 
perfectly clear.

Cut to:

INT. Crawler.

With a look of puzzlement on Caine's face, he switches off the 

Cut to:

INT. Ship.

Col. Mekum

A growl?  He heard a growl?


Well he didn't say the word growl, he said a throat noise.  
But I asked to imitate it, and it sounded like a... growl, to 

Col. Mekum

We're obviously up against a significant military presence 


Well, let's send in the rest of the men.

Col. Mekum

Absolutely not!  Those bastards are just waiting for us in 
there. No... we don't fall for an ambush.

Capt. Church 

Colonel, my daddy always said, "when you want to insert a nail 
into a piece of wood, you don't do anything fancy or 
glamorous.  You just take the damn hammer and hit the son of a 
bitch until it's in"

Col. Mekum

What exactly does that crap mean in English, Captain?

Capt. Church

Withdraw your men.  Load them up with heavy artillery and then 
when night falls they go back in and pound that place with 
mortars, rockets, and gas.  Everything we got. From a safe 
distance.  It ain't fancy, but it will sure take care of your 
hostile military force.

Col. Mekum

All right! Do it. Withdraw the men.

Cut to:

INT. Compound.

The villagers are policing up the bodies. Nathan hears 
something curious and goes to investigate. We cut to Todd, 
again playing with his toys.  He's got more weaponry sitting 
in a little pile than the entire country of Afghanistan has 
seen in the last ten years.  Sandra comes running.  With Mace 
out of the way now maybe Todd can get a little action. But 
first things first.



A beat.


They killed him, didn't they?

Todd, having really grown in his use of verbal communication, 
says nothing. Instead he gets some lampblack and starts 
rubbing some really cool lines across his face and neck.  


How do you know they'll be back?

(In an obvious sign of the impending Apocalypse, Todd actually 
says more than two words in any given sentence)


Because they're soldiers sir, like me.


Why are they doing this?


They're obeying orders sir, it's their duty.


Do you know how many there will be?


Seventeen more, sir.


Oh my God you can't fight seventeen on your own. You have to 
organize us.  We're not cowards, we'll do as you tell us.  
We'll fight (Where did that accent come from???)




Why not?


Soldiers deserve soldiers, sir.


But one soldier, against seventeen.  What are you going to do?


I'm going to kill them all, sir.

Cut to:

EXT. Compound. Night.

In Todd's finest moment, we see him marching toward us, flames 
erupting in the background, weighed down by what looks like 
about two hundred pounds of gear.  There is a certain look in 
his eye that says "I just gave up getting some action with 
that hot blond just to come out here and blow some people 
away.  Any man that don't want to die, better clear on out the 

Slade, like a little fairy, just stares at him in one part 
awe, one part homoerotic lust.

Cut to:

EXT. Ship. Night.

Col. Mekum O.S.

Crawlers 1 and 2.  Proceed to settlement, and commence 

Cut to:

EXT. Compound. Night.

The crawlers are rolling forward towards the settlement, 
apparently to commence bombardment.  They don't get very far 
when Todd shows up and starts firing on the crawler, cutting 
down two soldiers with a nifty weapon that looks like an MP-5 
or a maybe a  SAW with a dual spherical clip.  Very cool.

Cut to:

INT. Crawler


Crawler 1, we are red, we are red!

Cut to:

INT. Crawler


Crawler 2 to Crawler 1, report.


Crawler 2, we are 2 down. Responding to sniper activity.

Cut to:

INT. Ship.


Crawlers  1 and 2, split up.  Crawler 1, locate and neutralize 
the sniper.  Caine 607, proceed to the settlement and commence 


Rodger 1, we are proceeding to target.


Crawler 1, we are deploying ground forces.

Cut to:

EXT. Compound.  Night.

We follow a soldier who is searching the area.  He comes to a 
ledge and peers over.  Todd pops up and grabs the man and 
hurls him over the side, right into a snake pit!  He's 
immediately set upon by several vicious snakes, and we hear 

Cut to:

We follow another soldier who is wading through the water. A 
flare goes up and he turns to look at it, when he turns around 
again he gets a knife right in the eye by Todd.

Cut to:

Two more soldiers come to where the first soldier just bought 
it.  They strafe the water with napalm, but nothing happens.  

Cut to:

Scene of soldier walking around jumping at shadows.

Voice O.S.

All units, report...


438, negative.


515, negative


523, negative...

Just then Todd bursts through the surface of the water and 
returns fire on 523 with the mini Gattling gun, cutting him and 
his partner into little bite sized pieces.  Negative, huh... 
you were saying...

Cut to:

An impossible number of foot soldiers race over to the sound 
of the gattling gun, to provide cover fire.  Dead bodies need 
a lot of cover fire you know.  As they approach two more 
soldiers are gunned down.

Voice O.S.

Sniper at 12 o'clock!

Voice. O.S.

Sniper located!

The soldiers rush over to the sound of gunfire, in attempt to 
neutralize the sniper.  They manage to succeed in getting two 
more of their team killed, so it's probably not going exactly 
as they hoped.  They even have some dope on the crawler firing 
the browning 50 caliber overhead but it's not doing a lot of 
good.  The sniper keeps laying it on thick.  Eventually the 
soldiers make their way up to the little bunker, and look 
inside.  It's one of their own men!  He's propped up by ropes 
and holding two machine guns and by this time he's empty and 
only dry firing. And oddly enough there are two little strings 
attached to the triggers.  Hmmm, something seems to be awry.  
I wonder what it could be.  Let me stand here a few moments 
totally exposed to the enemy gunfire and try to make sense of 
all this.  Ooooh, I got it!



Todd is off in the distance, and the ends of the string 
naturally lead to him.  Before the other soldiers can retreat, 
Todd takes out a remote detonator and blows the deserving 
idiots into smithereens.

The sound of the wind begins to pick up, and Todd straps 
himself onto a heavy stand pipe, so as not to blow away.  The 
soldiers of course don't know what's about to happen, so they 
too stand there totally exposed to possible sniper fire and 
try to make heads and tails out of the latest goings-on.  

Too late, the windstorm comes up fast and furious and carries 
them all off.  Those who aren't killed outright by flying 
debris are simply blown away.  

Cut to:

INT. Ship.


I think that we have to assume that the missing men are down.

Capt. Church

(To Col. Mekum)
Well maybe you should have made them smart instead of fast.

Cut to:

EXT. Compound.

Voice O.S.

Squad 1, do you copy?
Squad 2, do you copy?
Squad 3, do you copy?

Caine O.S.

607 to command, 1.5 clicks from settlement.  Will engage enemy 
in approximately two minutes.

Rubrick O.S.

Rodger, 607.

Lars O.S.

Crawler 1 to command, we have lost radio contact with all 
ground units.  We are still searching for the sniper.

Cut to:

Crawler P.O.V.

The crawler lumbers through the bucolic little valley, 
searching for the enemy sniper.  In a flash, Todd descends 
down on the crawler, blowing away the turret man, and then 
finishing off the two others on top with short blasts from a 

Cut to:

INT. Crawler.

Lars is thoroughly pissed at this point, so he's going topside 
to see whassa matter.  He's got his own mini-Uzi to dish out 
some hot lead.  He goes to climb the ladder to the port hatch 
but Todd beats him to the door, and throws it open wide.  In a 
second he drops in three grenades and then slams the door 
shut.  All we see of Lars is a pathetic little look cross his 
face as the thought that maybe he's screwed comes into mind.  
In an instant the thought is rendered moot, as the grenades 
detonate and he, along with most of the crawler's innards, are 
sprayed with fire and shrapnel.  Bye Lars.

Todd jumps off the exploding crawler and lands face first in 
the sand with a groan.  Aww shut up ya pansy, at least you're 
not Lars.  The crawler comes to a grinding halt.

Cut to:

INT. Compound.

Caine has arrived at the refugee camp and has proceeded with 
bombardment.   Explosions ring out left and right.  The foot 
soldiers get into it too, and rattle off grenades and machine 
gun fire all over the place.  If you thought the camp was in 
bad shape before, well now it's a mess.

Cut to:

INT. Crawler.


Crawler 2 to Crawler 1, come in 1

Voice O.S.



Two to One, Keep  your port at 9 o'clock and commence firing

Voice O.S.

Affirmative 2, report to 9 and commence firing


Crawler 2 to Crawler 1, again, proceed to port 9

Voice O.S.

Affirmative, proceed to port 9


Two to One... you're still on 12 o'clock, correct 9

Voice O.S.

Affirmative 2


Crawler 1, you're on a collision course with me!

Cut to:

INT. Crawler

We see the Voice. O.S. is Todd



We see Todd in Crawler 1 advancing on Crawler 2, and getting 
ready to pound it from the side.  The foot soldiers try and 
repel it with machine gun fire, but it's useless.  Todd 
crashes through some vehicles and in an instant smacks Crawler 
2 hard, sending it sprawling over the edge of a shallow 
embankment, badly out of commission.

Rubrick O.S.

Crawler 1, do you copy?
Crawler 2, do you copy?
Are any of you men out there?
Can any of you men hear me??

Todd can, he flips the comm on button and speaks:


Your men, are obsolete!

Cut to:

INT. Ship

Col. Mekum

Try on 1!


No, I already tried number one.  I can't get any either one of 

Capt. Church

This is bad, real bad! We don't know what we're up against... 
how many?


We couldn't even get figures on enemy troops.


We couldn't even get any estimates.

Col. Mekum

We're sitting ducks here, I mean there could be a couple of 
divisions out there, or more!


We don't even have the weapons to arm the old soldiers!

Col. Mekum

Is that a recrimination Lieutenant?  Because if that is a 
recrimination I will have you court marshaled!


No sir, not at all

Capt. Church

Don't Panic, don't panic!

Col. Mekum

I am NOT panicking!

(He's clearly panicking)

Cut to:

EXT.  Rainfall

Caine is laying on the ground, badly hurt.  He crawls over to 
a dead soldier and grabs a medic kit.  He gets a syringe out 
and jabs himself in the arm with what could be adrenaline.  He 
then pops open a vial and guzzles down about a dozen pills, 
that are only god-knows-what.  He sits up and starts flipping 
out, high on whatever it is he just took.

Cut to:

INT. Ship

Col. Mekum


Capt. Church


Col. Mekum

You must have some of those new DX-57's on board?

Capt. Church

Planet Killers you mean. We carry fifteen.

Col. Mekum

One is enough.  We set it on a short fuse, and we get out of 
here.  BOOM, we win.

Cut to:

EXT.  Compound

Caine is marching around, tossing crap out of his way, hitting 
things.  Looking generally agitated.

Cut to:

INT. Compound


Praying means, that even when you're scared, you control your 
emotions.  Make your fear be really small and tiny.

We hear a sound of footfalls somewhere close by.

A Child




Sandra goes out to check the noise.  She pokes her head out of 
the opening and someone GRABS HER!

It's just Todd.  


We should go sir.

Cut to:

INT. Ship.

A few men come out of the ship carrying what we must assume is 
a DX-57, "Planet Killer".  

Cut to:

EXT. Compound.

Todd is carrying Nathan, and the others are following.  We see 
a figure in the darkness, and it's a safe bet it's not Rod 


Take him.  Go back.


Go back, Go back!

It's Caine 607, and boy does he look pissed.  The others flee, 
and Todd walks up to Caine, squaring off next to a ledge 
overlooking the compound.  Sandra and the children flee up a 
narrow foot path circling the compound, and she glances back 
once.  Caine looks up at them , and then back at Todd.  

Todd shakes his head darkly, as if to say, "No more fun for 
you today, you're toast!"

Caine rushes Todd with a knife, who picks up a grill and 
blocks it, only to be hit by a forceful right hook that sends 
him reeling.  Caine swings back around with a backfist, but 
Todd blocks it deftly.  Then another left hook from Caine 
knocks Todd back again. He gives Todd a good roundhouse kick 
to the kidney and nearly sends him off the cliff, but Todd 
recovers nicely and evades Caine as he approaches.  Todd 
delivers an elbow to the back of his head, but Caine returns 
with a driving kick to Todd's face.  And then another to the 
groin which Todd blocks, and another to the head which he does 
not.  Todd is lightly stunned and falls back.

Caine grabs Todd by the hair and forces his head into a pole.  
Quickly taking advantage, Caine picks Todd up and throws him 
into a wall, where he follows up with a powerful drop kick 
that again sends him sprawling back into the wall.  A neon 
sign is busted loose from the wall and falls, hitting Caine 
right in the head, stunning him.  Then another falls and 
narrowly misses Todd as he jumps clear.  Using the momentum, 
Todd barrels into Caine and they both go to the ground.

Getting back up, Caine is staggering, but Todd is good to go.  
He comes in swinging with a fast right hook, which Caine 
avoids.  Then a backfist, which Caine grabs and in return 
smacks Todd with a jab.  Todd grabs for Caine, and Caine 
blocks the grab with a counter grab.  Todd seizes the open 
right with an open palm to Caine's nose, and then follows it 
with a left palm-heel, again to his face. Caine is stunned, 
but manages to come back with a duck and an elbow to the back 
of Todd's head, sending him flying.  

Once again Caine seizes the initiative and throws Todd face 
first through a window, badly stunning him.  Then a Right, 
left, right, left, right... and Todd goes down hard.  When he 
gets back up it's clear that this could be the end for him.  
He's staggering and severely stunned.  Todd spies a scythe 
laying on the ground, and Caine follows his gaze to it.  He 
scoops it up and stands, meaning to slice Todd with it.  But 
Todd, the veteran, is a quick thinker, and grabs an 
overhanging helicopter blade and swings it down on Caine, 
badly lacerating his abdomen, and he drops the scythe.

The Todd gives Caine a right hook, and two quick shots to the 
open wound, and finishes by snapping Caine's arm.  He howls in 
pain, and then a double hammer fist knocks him down, 
senseless.  Todd jumps on his back, and grabs him in the 
patented hand over elbow sleeper grip.  Takes a moment to 
adjust for leverage, and then TWISTS!  The vertebrae in 
Caine's neck snap with a sickening sound and it's Good Night 
Irene.  Fight over

Todd stands, victorious.

Cut to:

EXT. Ship.

The old soldiers have finished setting up the DX-57.  It's 
timer counts down the minutes.  Off in the distance Riley 
hears something and sees a kid run off.  He follows her and 
finds the rest of the refugees... and... Sgt. Todd.  It only 
takes a moment for Riley to realize what he is seeing, and 
immediately he salutes his commanding officer.  The other old 
soldiers do likewise. Todd returns the salute.

Cut to:

INT. Ship.  Bridge.

Capt. Church

Right. Horizontal.


Rodger, Right, Horizontal, check screen.

Col. Mekum

What are we waiting for Captain, give us a go.

Capt. Church

We give Riley and his men seven more minutes.

Col. Mekum

Fuck 'em, let's just go.

Capt. Church

Abandon them?  I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. I'm a 
Captain and...

Col. Mekum

And I'm your superior officer  It's my mission, my call, my 
responsibility. And I say go!

Capt. Church

Losing men in combat is one thing, abandoning them...

Col. Mekum

I'm not going to die because of your pompous bullshit.  This 
is a direct order, do you understand?  Take off, now!

Capt. Church

Oh ho ho... awww.  Don't walk away from me you, snippy West 
Point piece of ...

His words are cut off, as Colonel Mekum has drawn his silver 
.45 and just popped a cap in the Captain.  Church drops like a 
sack of wet potatoes and lands right on the nicely polished 
shoes of the Colonel, quite dead.

Col. Mekum

Take the helm, Lieutenant Sloan, with launch assisting.  Come 
on, on the double!  Let's go. Close up the lower hatch.  Close 
up the power cluster Lieutenant.


What was that?

Col. Mekum

What was what?

It's the sound of the old soldiers reboarding the ship, and 
taking Col. Mekum out of command. They march up to the bridge 
and grab his butt.  As they're dragging him, Sloan, and 
Rubrick out down the halls they are sporadically yelling 
things like "What are you doing", "Stop it", "Get your hands 
off of me!", "Listen to me!", "Fucking morons!".

We come to the end of the corridor and the door slides open, 
and there stands SGT. Todd, looking none too happy. 

Col. Mekum (shocked)


 Todd steps forward, eyeball to eyeball with this snippy West 
Point piece of...

Col. Mekum (whining)


He pisses in his pants and this only serves to make him even 
more pathetic.

Col. Mekum


Todd steps aside, and the old soldiers drag Mekum, Sloan, and 
Rubrick kicking and fighting to the hatch doors, where the 
toss them out on their keisters.  The try and scramble back on 
board but it's useless.  Rubrick looks up and realizes they 
are standing right underneath the giant jets that power the 
ship, and they are heating up for takeoff. 


We've got to get out of here! Colonel!

They run, and we;

Cut to:

EXT. Planet Surface.

The three run up to the DX-57, and see that's it's going into 
it's final phase of detonation.


Oh my God it's getting ready to detonate, we've got to stop 
it.  Fourteen seconds! Hurry!

Sloan tries to punch in the code to stop the countdown:


I can't remember if it's 6-7 or 7-6

Col. Mekum

Get out of the way!


No don't touch it you don't know what you're doing!

The colonel punches in 7 then 6, then Enter.  


Hurry, Hurry!

BOOM... they lose.

The entire planet is being engulfed in fireball as the ship 
rockets off, just ahead of the blast wave, with Todd at 
command and Riley next to him.  They manage to escape the 
force of the concussion and are safely on their way out of 
there.  We cut to a scene of the refugees tucked away in some 
cargo bay, tending to their wounded.  Jimmy Pig is there.  
Sandra is there.  Nathan is there.  Mace is most decidedly not 
there.  Now is Todd's big chance to score with his new found 

Nathan sets off to find his new dad, and we follow him up to 
the bridge. Todd is scanning through the ships nav sys maps.  
He touches a point and it comes up on the display.




Aye aye sir, setting course for the Trinity Moons.

Nathan finally finds Todd, and gestures for Todd to pick him 
up.  Todd sort of reaches down and fumbles for the kid, then 
realizes what he wants and picks him up.  Riley is just like 
WTF?  Todd throws him a glance as if to say "not a word!".  He 
then turns and takes Nathan over to the window.  Riley looks 
over at another soldier, who is equally puzzled as to how Sgt. 
Todd has been converted to such a pansy so quickly.  Oh 
well... with a nod they get back to work.

Todd points to something off in the distance, and yet with all 
his superhuman strength and amazing ability he still can't 
conjure up a few simple words to enlighten us, the audience, 
as to what the hell he's looking at.  No matter, we pull in 
closer and see the reflection on the glass, showing some 
swirling, beautiful galaxy, full of promise and potential.  
The mutes watch this for a few moments and we;

Fade to Black

Roll Credits.